The Dear Departed by Stanley
“ The Dear Departed” is a humorous play in which the two daughters
of Abel Merry weather, a seventy year old man are greedy and fight for his
things before his death. The comedy
begins, when they mistakenly conclude that the old man is dead.
the time of the play, Abel lives with his daughter, Amelia, and her husband,
Henry Slater after his stay with his other daughter, Elizabeth and her husband,
Ben Jordon. Neither daughter treats the father with love and affection. They
are only after his insurance money and other things.
Slaters assume that Mr. Abel is
dead, and send a telegram to the Jordons. Before their arrival, the Slaters shift the
old man’s bureau and his clock to their room. Henry wears the old man’s new
slippers. The Jordons arrive, and they talk about the old man’s assets.
Elizabeth lies that according to her father’s desire, his gold watch should be
given to her son, Jimmy. To check whether
her father has paid his insurance premium, Amelia sends her daughter, Victoria
to bring his bunch of keys.
So Mr. Abel is not
dead, and he is shocked to find out that the Slaters have taken away his things, mistaking him to
be dead. Elizabeth finds fault with her sister, Amelia, but Amelia exposes her
lack of love for their father. In the end, Mr. Abel announces his decision to marry the keeper
of the public house, the widow of John
Shorrocks. He feels that she loves him,
and he wants to leave his property with her after his death. Thus the old man
outwits his two daughters.